Chris Allen
Game Design and Computer Science Educator

Leadership is a highly important trait to develop, especially when working in education. Educators are expected to be leaders in the classroom to their students, but also amongst their peers. Demonstrating strong leadership skills and the importance of them can help students boost their leadership and become the future leaders themselves.

Expanding Computer Science and Game Development Education
Computer science is an extremely important discipline for students to understand. Not only are computer science jobs in high demand, and high paying, but learning computer science also has been shown to improve 21st century skills like problem solving, critical thinking, teamwork, and more.
Negative Effects of Covid in Education & Mitigation Strategies
Students need to be in class, learning, socializing, problem solving, and growing as individuals. Student learning outcomes and educational achievement have also been negatively impacted by the pandemic. Schools will use science driven mitigation factors to deal with the spread of the virus and promote safe and healthy learning for all of our students.

Social Class Matters - Career Capital
Career capital is earned by having years of experience, provable skills, education, and certifications. For many young students it is hard to develop career capital when first joining the workforce. Being able to develop career capital for students while in high school is highly beneficial. No matter what the job, employees should always seek to increase their career capital and worth.